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Adam S Borzyszkowski

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Polish Army

Corporal, 1 Batalion Kawalerii Powietrznej

10/14/2010, Ghazni, Afghanistan

Sgt. Adam Szada Borzyszkowski served in the 1st Air Cavalry Battalion in the United Leźnicy as a scout reconnaissance platoon driver in the company headquarters. It was his second mission abroad, in 2007 he served in Iraq. His military service began in 2003. In 2004 he was appointed to nadterminowej military service. In 2007 he was appointed to a professional military service in professional Privates Corps. His passion was parachuting. He made 45 jumps. He was 28 years old. He left behind a wife and child. Sergeant Adam Szada Borzyszkowski is the third soldier 25 Air Cavalry Brigade, who died in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. He was posthumously promoted to the rank of sergeant and was posthumously awarded the Cross of the Knight’s Cross of the Order of the Star of Military and Afghanistan.


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