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Nicholas B Kleiboeker

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U.S. Marine Corps


05/13/2003, IRAQ

Nicholas Brian Kleiboeker grew up in Odin, IL., and graduated from Odin High School in 2001. He was athletic and loved oldies music. He had a warm personality and affectionate regard for others.

“He couldn’t wait to serve his country,” said a friend, Michael Dunbar. “All he ever wanted to do was join the service. Ever since he was 15 it’s all he ever talked about.”

Classmate Josh Case went to boot camp with Kleiboeker in 2001. “We talked about going into the Marines since the junior year of high school,” Case said. “I went reserves and he wanted to go actives; that’s the kind of guy he was.”

This Facebook entry is from Lance Corporal Kleiboeker’s sister Brittany Heath

I really wish you were here bub. To tell me right from wrong, crack jokes when my heart gets broke, and threaten the boys who broke it:) I miss you so much. Some people don’t know how lucky they are to have a brother, but only me, Jen, and Jess will know how lucky we are to have a brother like you. The worst things happen to the best people. It’s just not fair. They took you away from us and we will never get you back, but when the day that we all go to heaven comes, I’ll see you standing at the pearly gates waiting for me. I love you Nick and I always will.

November 19, 2010 at 10:36pm


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