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Don Sloat

Coweta, Oklahoma, US

United States Army

SP4, CO, 2ND BN, 1ST INFANTRY, 196TH Infantry BDE, Americal Division

Quang Tin Province, South Vietnam, 01/17/1970

My brother Donald Sloat was killed in Vietnam in January 1970. The story that the family was told by the Army was that he had stepped on a land mine. A year and half ago my Mother learned that was not the case. We have since learned that Don gave his life to save the other men in his platoon, by catching a grenade that was on a tip wire set off by the solider in front of him. His body covered the blast of the explosion and those around him suffered wounds from the shapnel but only he died. My Mom has been on a quest for the last year and half trying to get Army records and statements for his Commanders. She has recently been given the good news that we have most of the evidence needed to support our claim, and now begins the process of trying to get the Army to recognize Don’s act of bravery.


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