Army SGT John Cripe Griffith, who lived in Henderson, NV with his wife and daughter, was killed Friday May 5, 2006 in Kunar province when the CH-47 Chinook helicopter he was traveling in crashed. He was originally from Wisconsin.
Griffith, 33, graduated from Eldorado High School in 1991. A former Nevada National Guard member, he rejoined the Army in 2003 and was assigned to the 3rd Brigade, 10th Mountain Division based in Fort Drum, N.Y., at the time of his death.
May 05, 2010 Even though you’ve been away from us for 4 years, John, it is as though you are here with us every day. Miss you, Buddy, and we’ll see each other again one day.
Don Diller,
December 23, 2008 I wanted John’s family and friends to know that I am praying for you during this Christmas season. I know holidays are difficult for loved ones. We were encouraged to decorate our office or cubicle, so I decided to make a memorial to the Nevada soldiers who sacrificed their lives in either the Iraq or Afghanistan wars. May God bring you comfort. John’s sacrifice has not been forgotten.
Katherine Kennington
August 19, 2007
John, Please know that you are and never will be forgotten. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t think of you. I am so grateful for the 29 years that I was able to share with you, and thank you for the memories and for making me who I am today. You were always such a proud, positive person who lived life with meaning and never forgot what was important. I prayed every night that God would bring you home safely, and he did bring you home to him. I know we will be together again someday, and until then please know how much I love you and miss you!!! Love, Your little sister Kathy Tyler
May 16, 2006
SGT Griff and family, My heart goes out to you at this time and in the days ahead. I would like you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers in your time of grief. May your memories bring you comfort. SGT Griff was and always will be among the greatest!
April Moody and Family
May 14, 2006
To the family of John Griffith or SGT Griff as we called him at the 560th Medical Co in Korea, he will continue to fight this war this time with a higher power, he allow his children our children live a life without terror, the Lord God saw a need for you with him, to better judge all who want to harm this great nation. John my brother I will miss you for the year we shared in Korea as roommates, but I know you will serve once again in HIS army, with distinction. God Bless
Riviere Cools
November 28, 2006
To the Griffith family. I am truly sorry for your loss. I guess i can say I know what it is like to lose a family member because John was like family to me and my wife. I served with him in the 560th med Co. He was a great friend and will always be in our prayers.
Anthony Kato