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Ryan R Berg

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Ryan was from the state of Texas. His full name was Ryan Russell Berg. He was born July 24, 1987, to Travis Berg and Scottie Ray. He has a younger brother, Brad who is 19 years old and a younger sister, Marissa who is 14 years old. Ryan was from a small town on the Gulf coast, Sabine Pass. In 2005 Sabine Pass was struck by Hurricane Rita and again in 2008 by Hurricane

Ike. He loved this little town so very much. Sabine Pass is where he had decided he would live and raise a family once his Army career was over.

Ryan was a person who had loyalty stuck to him like globs of unbaked dough. This loyalty was unwavering and was given in scoops of his time and his trust; in sticky mounds of his commitment to you. It sealed him to you and warmed you. Ryan was courageous in his being. He would openly stand before many and disagree. Brave enough to not move off his position and stand it alone if necessary. He smiled with meaning and truth. He showed love in his up-raised lips and flashes of ivory. He was easy to like and hard to forget. He’d chatter like a gun, but one filled with no harm.

He was a fine boy and became a fine man; a soldier to all, a friend to many and family to a lucky few. He touched many in life and even more in death. Ryan had very strong feelings about being in Iraq. He felt that if we didn’t go over there and stop the bad guys that we would have more 9-11 incidents over here. Ryan did not think of himself like a hero. He felt he was a normal guy doing what he felt he must for all of us, for his country. He would want his loved ones he left behind to live life like this “Live each day to its fullest, to experience every situation you can, good or bad, because it means you are alive and you are getting everything out of life”. By doing this Ryan will live on through his loved ones.

Ryan was promoted to Specialist after his death. So, he was Specialist Ryan Russell Berg in the United States Army. He was awarded the Purple Heart, Bronze Star, and the Good Conduct Medal. He is now pride, sadness, joy, and loss. He is home and we accept this.


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