U.S. Marines
HIT, IRAQ 03/25/2007
Lance Corporal Roberts was an awesome individual. He wrote about life, his thoughts, feelings and spiritual journey in a blog from Iraq during his deployment. Trevor was an inspirational human being who impacted many others through church missionary work, youth group participation and as an exemplary Marine. In the following blog entry he expresses how fragile life is and precious. His words are wise.
“In the blink of an eye! That’s how fast life can change, in the blink of an eye. Sometimes I’m awakened at night, and I cannot go back to sleep for hours because something is heavy on my heart or mind. For some reason, this is one such thing. How fast life can change on us. Over here, it might be a firefight or a roadside bomb that makes a normal drive a stir of chaos. It is no different for the States either. Car wrecks happen every minute across the U.S. It may not even be physical; it can be a loss of a friend or loved one. Whatever it may be, fill in the blank, it all just happens so fast that you are just left with your head spinning, in the blink of an eye. It’s funny that the things that happen so rapidly are the ones that usually impact us the most, and the ones we learn the most from. … It is the events that happen at the blink of an eye that we learn so much from. Often times we are left with no place to go, a question of what now? I have to borrow the answer from one of my all time favorite films, Cast Away. It is at the end of the movie, that Tom Hanks says, ” Now I know what must do, for tomorrow the sun will rise, and I have to keep going, because you never know what the tide may bring in.” For the tide as we might remember is what brought him his sail, so that he could make it home. Things most definitely don’t always work out the way we dream and hope, but we have to keep going, for you never know what tomorrow might bring.”
“We judge far to often on the tempo of ones life if you will, and not on the heart, as God does.” LCPL Trevor Andrew Roberts